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Can cats be walked on a leash? (Yes, and it’s not weird)

September 4, 2019

PetSafe® Expert

Thomas Fraser

Can cats be walked on a leash? (Yes, and it’s not weird)

Taking your cat for a walk doesn’t have to be a drag. The PetSafe® Come With Me Kitty Harness and Bungee Leash™ make it easy for her to get some fresh air and sensory refreshments without curling into a scared limp lump on a line. City kitties and their country cousins can now recreate their own wild realms safely on the end of a secured leash. Birds and other critters can rest a little easier, knowing cats' deadly instincts are leashed, too.

cat on leashcat on leash

And no, it’s not weird to walk a cat. It takes a little more effort than walking your canine pals, but PetSafe® cat leashes and harnesses make it easier than ever to walk a cat. Our cat harnesses are easy to use and detailed instructions are included that teach you how to walk your cat. She might even enjoy the nature walks so much you can graduate to an in-ground cat fence and take feline freedom to a new level.

Are you ready to start exploring the outdoors together? Here are the four most important things to know before walking your cat on a leash.

1. She’s not a dog.

If you want to take your cat to a park or walk around the block, some cats may not be able or willing to do this. Your cat’s motivation is probably different from yours, and she may just want to chase butterflies for a few minutes or sunbathe for a few hours. Plan on very short visits to the backyard to get started to see how your cat reacts to the leash.

2. You need a specialized leash and harness.

Cats can slip out of traditional collars, so they need a special kind of cat harness and cat leash. They come with specific instructions to make sure it is the right size and how to place it on your cat properly. The bungee leash allows for some slack in the line should she chase a butterfly or pounce on a leaf. Make sure you attach a special cat collar to your cat and an ID tag with your address and phone number in case she does slip out of the harness.

3. Start slowly and work your way up.

Fit the harness on your cat and get her accustomed to wearing it inside first. Then you can walk for short periods outside. Stay close to the house at first and gradually move farther away until your cat is completely comfortable outside. Make it short, fun, and relaxed. Let your cat take the lead on the leash.

4. Pay attention to your cat.

Your cat’s body language will tell you if she’s feeling stressed or scared. Look for signs of stress in cats on a leash like flat ears, a body lowered to the ground, meowing, and nervous tail twitching. If you’re not sure how she’s reacting to the on-leash experience, try petting your cat. If she’s stressed, she may avoid your touch or go rigid. Reassuring pats, strokes and encouragement will help her relax.

When you see signs of stress, try to figure out what’s making your cat nervous and move to a safer spot. Just take it slow and you'll be enjoying the outdoors with your kitty on a leash in no time!

There’s a big world beyond the windows, and your cat deserves to experience it.

Written by

Thomas Fraser

Thomas Fraser

PetSafe® Brand Copywriter

PetSafe® Expert

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