Kaufman Dog Park in Marion, OH
Location of proposed dog park:
2375 Harding Highway East
Marion, OH 43302
About this community:
Marion, located in North Central Ohio, has a city population of around 35,000 residents and over 8,000 canines. Known for being the home of America’s First “First Dog,” Laddie Boy, and his owner, 29th President of the United States, Warren G. Harding. Marion has a Memorial, Home, and Library in the late President’s honor. The landscape of Marion also includes 19 parks, with Kaufman Dog Park being the only off-the-leash area for canines to use.
Why this community deserves a Bark for Your Park™ grant:
As Sir Robert Baden-Powell once said, “try to leave this world a little better than you found it.” These words speak directly to the heart of what is Marion, Ohio. A city with a small-town feeling. A place where the community comes together to support people, places, and programs. Marion and its residents believe in community, creating a great place for others to live, work, and raise a family. Kaufman Dog Park would be honored to win the Bark for Your Park grant because it not only would help bring a sense of pride to a small-town community, but it would provide a premier location for residents to enjoy with their beloved canines. Improving the park would allow it to continue to be a place where neighbors become friends and dogs have a venue to spend time with loved ones. In addition, the grant would allow the park to improve and be a more enjoyable experience for visitors.
How this community would use a Bark for Your Park™ grant:
If awarded the Bark for Your Park grant, Kaufman Dog Park would be honored to showcase to the Marion community and PetSafe world what the money would go towards. The community has raised enough support to take the current park from good to great. However, the Bark for Your Park grant is an opportunity for those efforts to become outstanding for this space. It would allow all visitors, canine and human, to have access to clean drinking water through an ADA-compliant water feature. Additionally, adding new trees and benches will provide shade and comfort for all visitors. Having an attractive recreational venue to enjoy promotes healthy living, happy mindsets, and lasting memories for both dog and owner.
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