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How to Preserve Your Pet's Heart in a Diamond Forever

June 11, 2018

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How to Preserve Your Pet’s Heart in a Diamond Forever

Pets are an irrefutable and irreplaceable part of our lives. Many times, pets are more like family to us, with their lives being akin to a human’s life. As we grow older and walk through our lives, our pets stand right beside us, up to their final years. We spend many important events with our pets, going as far as to include them in birthdays and special gatherings with others. Yet, unfortunately, they have a much shorter lifespan than humans. We see their lives speed through the ages quickly, and often see it from birth to death. They leave a massive impact on our lives, and we want to remember them for all of time. As such, after-death procedures are used many times over.

One of the most popular methods to preserve a precious pet is through cremation. Although it may seem strange, cremation is actually the preferred method compared to a full burial, as burials can get extremely expensive. Instead, cremation not only saves space, but your pet’s ashes are able to be placed where you would like, to preserve the memory of your beloved pet. However, some people wish to have a much more intimate and decorative reminder of how special their pets were to them.

Through the work done at Heart in Diamond, you are able to encase your beloved pet into a sweet and beautiful diamond that gives off a brilliant shine. As you will see here, they will turn your dog's ashes into diamond jewelry, leaving you with something special to always remember them by. These diamonds are made directly from your loved one’s cremated remains, ensuring that they will be forever preserved. The best part is that the cremated remains of your pets will be treated with the utmost care throughout the entire process.

The process itself is simple. When the order is put in for the ashes to be made into a diamond, you receive a diamond ID number, which acts as a tracking device as you follow your pet’s ashes throughout the entire process. Then, the laboratory will need a sample of your loved one’s ashes. The sizes vary, depending on the size and cut of your diamond that you wish to have created, so be sure to go to their website here to see all the different sizes and sample equivalents. Once the sample arrives, the lab can get to work producing the diamond. This is done by adding carbon into the foundation of the diamond growth, which means that the diamond that is produced will be grown from your own personalized foundation, creating a unique diamond that is personalized to you.

Once the rough and uncut diamond is grown, it is then sent to the specialists at Heart in Diamond, who thoroughly polish and cut your diamond to your specific requested sizes, as well as to within the industry standards. This means that your diamond will be given an extreme polish and shine, making it glow inside and out. Once it has been completely finished, it goes through a strict grading and control process, which looks over and grades the diamond to ensure that it meets all the industry standards, as well as surpasses them. Once all the steps have been completed, an authenticity certificate is issued for the diamond, which contains all the different details regarding the diamond itself.

This process is not easy by any means. It can take anywhere from 70 to 120 days for the diamond to be completed. This can also change depending on what purchasing options have been requested, so keep all of these things in mind.

However, it is well worth the wait, as you are not only keeping your pet’s ashes inside of a diamond, but you are also helping to stifle the diamond industry’s old ways of mining. The diamond mining industry has had a long and negative reputation for abusive working conditions and exploitation of labor forces to mine diamonds. These include damaging aftereffects which affect both the environment, as well as the workers’ health that mine the diamonds. As such, many industries have moved to laboratory-grown diamonds to ensure that the health of the workers and environment are saved. This, also, is the philosophy of Heart in Diamond, who use the laboratory process to produce the diamonds made from your pet’s ashes. As such, you are also helping others when you ask for the remains to be turned into a diamond.

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