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dog collar safety

October 18, 2017

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Collar Safety Awareness Starts with You

By Tenney Mudge, Inventor of the KeepSafe Collar

Putting a collar on your dog may seem like a normal safety precaution. You put on up-to-date ID tags and clip on your leash for walking. Many devoted dog owners are unaware of the risks of collar strangulation accidents until it's too late. Collar Safety Awareness Week starts next week, so it's important to be aware of hazards to prevent a horrific and haunting accident from collar strangulation.

The most frequent and the most fatal collar accidents happen during common playtime when a dog’s jaw or tooth becomes caught or snagged under a playmate’s collar, even if just for a few seconds. When caught, the dogs’ instinct is to pull, twist, and panic, and one or both dogs’ lives are in immediate danger.       collar safety    

Multi-Dog Households Are Most At Risk

Homes with multiple dogs who are highly active are at increased risk. Multiple dog Mom, Karin Schoultz, is thankful she is proactive about dog collar safety. Karin was filming her 2 dogs playing and unexpectedly captured the release of the KeepSafe Collar when that neck biting play behavior became too dangerous. 

When her beloved dogs are loving life and playing hard, Karin knows they are protected from collar strangulation by their KeepSafe Collars.

More Tales of Safe Dogs from Their Happy Owners

Dog owners from across the country share their happy ending testimonials of the KeepSafe Collars protecting their dogs in the backyard, in the home, or wherever accidents may occur. Collars also can and do become snagged on fences, crates, kennels, deck boards, furniture, cabinet and door knobs, vegetation, floor vents, and many other objects.

  • Our vet told us about your breakaway collars after our dogs became entangled and nearly died choking each other.  I have felt more secure from the moment they arrived.  The play continues at full-speed but the KeepSafe Collars work like a charm and keep them safe.  Thank you! - C.D., Massachusetts
  • We bought these collars for our dogs a few weeks ago. Yesterday one of the dogs got her collar caught on a cabinet knob while we were in another room. The collar separated and freed her. I hate to think how that might have turned out without the KeepSafe collar. - Andrew
  • We purchased these collars after a near miss when one of our dog's jaws got tangled with the other dog's collar. We cut them apart; they both collapsed, but survived. Thank you for this product. I wish we could convince all our dog-owner friends to use these before they have to experience the terror themselves. - Jennifer
  • I have 2 puppies and they like to get a little rough playing at times. 1 was 9 months and 1 was 7 months old when they were playing in the yard. I heard the most awful screeching and noise that sounded like they were hurt, so I ran out there and found that the younger dogs had got her teeth under the collar of the other dog. The collar was in her mouth while still on the other dog, and they were rolling around trying to get unstuck. I was able to unclasp the collar and they were fine. I saw this product and it looked like a great solution. I took them for a walk with them and they work great. Just this morning I found the older dogs collar on the floor. - Dave (original review edited for spelling)
  • dog safety breakaway collarI lost a dog due to choking, plays with another dog and they got tangled. I will never put anything but this collar on my dog, because I love them as much as they love me. As an owner I am responsible for their care and well being. You are too. Buy this collar and save a dog. The extra bonus is they last forever - replacing an 8 year old one today. - Randy
  • I found my dog’s KeepSafe Collar released and hooked inside his crate.  I am still thankful for the day I understood that the KeepSafe Collars could save my dog’s life.  That day is a reality.  These collars are the best thing going. - K. H., Maryland
  • I came home to find my dog’s KeepSafe Collar released near the fence where she had had been digging and playing.  I don’t want to know what would have happened if she was wearing any other collar.  Luckily I don’t have to worry about it – she will always be wearing her KeepSafe Collar - C.C., North Carolina
  • The KeepSafe Collar has been a lifesaver for our rescue dog.  She likes to be helpful and is curious about the dishwasher when it is open.   With her head in the dishwasher the rack slid under her collar.  When she pulled back her KeepSafe Collar released saving both our precious dog and the dishes. - J.M., Ohio
  • Some relatives were visiting and the dogs were all in the yard playing. There was a lot of high energy neck biting going on. When the visiting dog got extra rough the KeepSafe collar snapped open and released my dog just like it was supposed to. My dog was able to escape without injury. I am so glad I made the switch. Thanks for a great product. - .J.M., Texas

KeepSafe Break-Away Collar Keeps Dogs Safe

The KeepSafe Collar with its patented break-away buckle is designed to be your dog’s everyday safety collar.  If you are home or away, whether dogs are supervised or unsupervised, the KeepSafe Collar is the best collar to prevent accidents. dog safety collarOne of the saddest things to hear is when a grieving dog owner says “If I had only known this could happen.”

Owners who would do anything in the world to protect their dogs wish they had been aware that their dog’s stanfdard collar could strangle their dog in an unexpected, tragic instant. 

Collar strangulation accident prevention starts with you. Share this info with every dog owner you know who cares about trhe safety and well-being of their dogs.

About the Author

Originally a New Yorker, Tenney is a Cornell grad, a former Animal Control Officer in New York, worked in Washington, DC in animal welfare and served as a Peace Corps volunteer.  Rural Virginia has been home to Tenney for over 20 years, where she keeps a large animal family safe and happy and enjoys looking for bear tracks in the Blue Ridge.

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